What you need to know about Bush Mango Seed

Research on African mango shows beneficial effects for weight loss, helps with cholesterol, diabetes and obesity and as an antioxidant. It also shows help with gastro intestinal activity. Lets find out more.

African bush Mango is also known as African wild mango, Irvingia, Dika (dikanut, dikabread tree), Odika, Ogbono, Sweet bush mango, Bush mango and Iba-tree. Several studies have assessed the chemical properties of the kernels or seeds in African mango. 18 amino acids were identified in fresh African mango seeds, as well as being shown to contain a good source of nutrients, vitamins and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus and iron.
The fibre content provides bulk, improving bowel function and aiding detoxification pathways. The main areas of interest are African mango seeds beneficial effects on diabetes and obesity as well as in lowering cholesterol, and increasing antioxidant and gastrointestinal activity.
Researchers observed low incidences of obesity, diabetes, and related diseases in a particular region of Africa. Further research revealed the people of this region used Irvingia as a soup thickener an average of ten times per week. Eventually, this led to the development of a bush mango Extract.
Specifically, bush mango may help to:

1. Assist with weight loss

In a study of 40 obese Cameroonian patients done in 2005, significant decreases in body weight, total cholesterol, LDL, or “bad” cholesterol, and triglycerides were observed by the end of the 10-week study. A 2008 study indicated similar results with lower dosages of bush mango. (

2. Reduces serum cholesterol levels

 In addition to weight loss, the 2008 study indicates levels of LDL fell 27% after 10 weeks. An earlier study showed a 45% reduction of LDL and a 46% increase in HDL, or “good” cholesterol. In addition, studies indicate reduced total cholesterol and triglyceride levels. (1-3)

 3. Total plasma glucose level

In a 1990 study, eleven Type II diabetics were given four grams per day of bush mango supplement for four weeks. The patients showed an increase in Enzyme activity and a decrease in plasma glucose levels. (4-5)

4. Treat bacterial and fungal infections

Six species of bacteria and three species of Candida fungus were treated with an alcohol extract from the bark of the bush mango tree.The extract prevented the growth of microorganisms and suggested bush mango may be used to treat bacterial and fungal infections; however, human studies are needed.

5. Relieve pain

Water and alcohol extracts from bush mango bark were used to test analgesic, or pain-relieving effects in an animal study. The study provided a pharmacological basis for the use of bush mango as an analgesic; human studies are needed however.

6. Enhance tablet strength and drug-release properties

 When mucilage (the sticky substance found in bush mango seeds) was used as a binding agent in tablets, the tablets exhibited decreased tensile strength and increased brittleness compared to gelatin tablets. The tablets also had higher dissolution and disintegration times suggesting that bush mango mucilage may be a useful binding agent in achieving tablet drug release properties.

Bush mango seed is also rich in protein and for body building.


  1. This is really nice, would it be possible to support this with pictures as it will help us identify the fruit. Welldone

    1. Oh Thanks for the feedback, i really appreciate. it is still work in progress


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