How to Make Zobo Drink


  • 2 cups dry Zobo leaves
  • 1 sachet jolly juice (any flavor)
  • 1 glove of garlic
  • 1 big ginger
  • 1 pineapple ripped
  • 3 liters water 

Step 1

  1. Wash thoroughly the dry Zobo leaves with water
  2. Peel and cut the pineapple into cubes
  3. Peel, grate ginger and garlic 

Step 2

  1. In a big pot, pour 3 liters of water
  2. Add the washed zobo leaves into the pot
  3. Add the pineapples and pour in grated ginger and garlic
  4. Start cooking at medium to high heat and let it boil for 35 minutes, until the zobo leaves and pineapple becomes soft
  5. Put off the cooker and allow to cool for 10 to 20 minutes

Step 3

  1. Squeeze out the juice from the zobo leaves and pineapples, leaving only the zobo juice in the pot.
  2. Pour through a chiffon cloth to remove the smallest particles.
  3. Add the sachet jolly juice and mix
  4. Dispense into jugs and refrigerate.


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